How to Handle a DUI Traffic Stop

Phoenix DUI Stop

The best way to avoid a DUI traffic stop in Arizona is to not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are stopped for a DUI investigation you could be facing serious consequences.

Preparing for a traffic stop ahead of time and having all proper documentation in an easily accessible location will help prevent you from fumbling around for it when stopped. When a police officer is investigating you for a potential DUI they will be monitoring your behavior and watching you for signs of impairment. Being excessively nervous and not being able to find your paperwork in a timely manner could alert them of a more serious issue.

If you have been pulled over for suspicion of a DUI, either while driving or at a DUI checkpoint, there are several things you should remember. First off, police officers are trained to question you and obtain information for their investigation. DUI officers follow specific procedures and questioning to build a case against you. Do not attempt to trick the officer or lie to them.

While you should remain cooperative during a DUI traffic that does not mean you are required to answer questions that may incriminate you. If you feel pressured to answer any questions you can request to speak to an attorney. Although it can be difficult to remain calm under all of the conditions present during a DUI traffic stop you should always do your best to do so.

Remember any questions you answer could possibly incriminate you. If an officer asks you “Have you been drinking?” answering “yes” or “just a few” can be incriminating as it may be viewed as evidence that you were driving under the influence of alcohol. Answering where you are coming from or where you are headed could also incriminate you during a DUI traffic stop.

If the police officer asks you for your license, registration and proof insurance you are required to provide these documents. At this point the police officer might ask you to exit your vehicle to perform field sobriety tests. Depending on your circumstances you may be able to refuse to participate in field sobriety testing. Refusing field sobriety testing won’t prevent you from being arrested but it can potentially limit the amount of evidence used against you.

Whether you are required to submit to a chemical test such as a breathalyzer or blood test varies depending on the laws of your state. Not everyone who is stopped for a DUI is guilty and knowing how to handle a DUI traffic stop beforehand can be helpful. Research the laws surrounding DUI traffic stops in your state and contact an attorney if you have any questions.

Finally, in Arizona refusing certain tests may result in the suspension of your driver’s license and result in other charges. None of the procedures in this article are provided as legal advice. Only an attorney experienced in DUI law can advise you on what you should do in your situation.